Mon – Fri 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM GMT+7
Just contact us via Whatsapp : +66 64 507 1090
and transfer money to Paypal,
then sending your transfer slip,
email address and ID to Admin for top up.
Paypal account :
Top up rate => minimum 20 USD or above
Numbers of coupons = 1 USD : 3,000 coupons
*The company reserves the right to adjust the top up rate
without prior notice.*
1. Open Paypal app on your device and tap “Send”

2. Enter recipient email as

3. Enter your desired amount for transferring.
(Able to change currencies, minimum 20 USD or above)
Please change the currency rate of the recipient to Dollar (USD).

4. Please tap "Add a note" and enter
the IDX you want to top up and make sure
that you select the type of payment as
“Friends and Family” ONLY

5. The successful transaction will be displayed

6. After finished transaction,
please capture your latest transaction screenshot
and send the transfer slip screenshot,
your email address including ID to admin via Whatsapp
support : +66 64 507 1090